Thursday, April 25, 2013

Remembering and still building

I started this blog because I wanted to have a way to stay connected to my daughters.  We went on vacation together and made entries as part of that trip.  When we came home I let this blog sit and now it might be time to use it again.  I am still trying to build bridges, but it gets harder. 

I remember being a teenager and the point at which I started pushing my own mother away.  I somehow lost respect for who she was.  As I look back I think I never really knew who she was, what her dreams were, or what she felt or thought.  What mattered most to her was her family.  I know that for sure.  She spent her entire adult life taking care of those she loved.  She was very practical. 

Now I am entering that space that she took up.  I am the mother that my daughters are pushing away.  I wish I could tell her how hard I know that must have been to be the parent when I was doing that.  And I wish I could ask her for advice on how to make it through this stage.  She did it so well.  This week was the anniversary of her passing.  I am remembering her as my mom and wondering who she was as a person when she was not my mom.  And I am determined to let my daughters know who I am.

1 comment:

  1. Welling tears in my eyes. You put it so well sis. I love you.

