Monday, July 17, 2017

On hot summer days, my girls need my presence.  My bees beard the outside of their hive, waiting outside for the humidity and temperature to fall.   I bring my chickens watermelon so they have watery snacks.  They have names - Red. Rhoda, Stella, Goldie, Daisy, America, Hawkeye... I have to change out of my red shoes now.   I wait for the sun to set and then watch for predators.  Raccoons come at dusk and I close the door of the chickens' shelter as darkness arrives.  They break the silence of living alone and I am grateful for the opportunity to get to know them.

The queen has a yellow dot.  Can you find her?

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A Day of Mindfulness

Taking time to be truly present for one another, we nourish mutual understanding and happiness.
                                 At Home in the World by Thich Nhat Hanh

On Sunday a group gathered to share a day of mindfulness.  The theme of the day was Ancestors: Familial and Spiritual.  We sat together in meditation; then reading from Thich Nhat Hanh The Five Earth Touchings, we shared stories and reflected on the role of our ancestors.  May we be their continuation.
We mindfully watched the ruby throated humming birds coming to the feeder. We walked in silent meditation along the gravel road, feeling the coolness of the shade and listening to the call of the flickers resting in the trees.  We were present to each other in the beauty of my family farm.  With gratitude to my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents.  May their love of the earth flow through me.

We were nourished by the delightfulness of Erin's grandmother's favorite dish.  Her recipe for bow tie pasta and chick peas was mindfully prepared. We were led by Erin and shared the chopping, cutting, stirring.  The most delicious food ever, eating in silence enjoying the flavor, texture, and sensation of every bite.

This food is the gift of the whole universe; the earth, the sky, numerous living beings and much hard and loving work.

With the first taste, I offer joy.  With the second, I help relieve the suffering of others.  With the third, I see others' joy as my own.  With the fourth, I learn the way of letting go.  

My grandmother, Isabella's cookies for dessert.

Trees have their roots and water has its source.  We know that you, our ancestors, are our roots and we are your continuation.  We are determined to receive your cultural and spiritual heritage, to conserve and to develop what is good, beautiful and true in it.  We are also determined to realize aspirations which you have handed on to us, transforming your suffering and opening up for future generations the way to a peaceful, unburdened and meaningful life.  We are determined to help build a society in which people are not always busy, where little is consumed, and there is plenty of time to live with nature, look after nature, and bring happiness to, care for, and smile to each other.

We promise to let go of all our anger, sadness, and resentment, and to forgive, love, and accept each other.  We know that only by doing this do we really express our feeling of gratitude and loyalty towards you.

May our children and grandchildren be protected.  May we be safe and protected so that we have enough health, faith, and joy to be able to continue your work.  
                                                          Thich Nhat Hanh